Quick-start guides

Get up and running with Township America in no time.

Download search results

Download search results

Learn to download Township America's search, batch conversion, and saved places data in various formats for use in Excel, Google Earth, CAD, and GIS.

Bookmark your favourite places

Bookmark your favourite places

Learn to save, access, and organize important locations on Township America, including adding notes and efficiently managing your list of saved places.

Work with an interactive map

Work with an interactive map

Learn to use Township America's map for spatial data visualization, including navigation controls, base and grid layers, and customizing additional data layers.

Create and manage your team

Create and manage your team

Learn to create an organization, invite members, and manage their access within Township America's team feature for centralized billing and account management.

Build an API integration

Build an API integration

Learn to integrate Township America's APIs, obtain an API key, manage subscriptions, and monitor system health for enhanced application use.

Manage your account

Manage your account

Learn to create an account, manage app and API subscriptions, update payment details, and access/download invoices on Township America.